Installing, Managing and Implementing Reward Points in AspxCommerce.
Installing Reward Points Module From Back End:
Login with superuser in aspxcommerce 2.0
1. Install Reward Points Module zip named AspxRewardPoints by clicking on Dashboard > Module > Install Module. Module will be Installed as AspxRewardPoints.
2. Create New Portal Page as Reward
Points by clicking on Dashboard >Pages> New Page.
3. Add Module AspxRewardPoints
in Reward Points Page by clicking on Dashboard >Page Modules.
Select Page Named Reward Points from drop down list and drag AspxRewardPoints
Module insideToppane
Now you can see that module is installed by going Dashboard >AspxCommerce>Customers
Manage Setting and Reward Rules From Back End:
Login with superuser in aspxcommerce 2.0
Go to Dashboard >AspxCommerce>Customers>Reward
Points, A
window will be opened as bellow
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